Tuesday, November 01, 2005

And They're, no, They Are Off!

I just wrapped up my first official NaNoWriMo day, finishing the day's work with 2,526 words. Not bad for a beginner, eh? I posted an excerpt, and grimaced when I read it. Here is an example of what I'm talking about:

Jerky shot bolt upright, as dogs will do, and shot a sharp report of a bark into the dark cloudy night.

Here, "Jerky" is the dog's name. Notice that I use "shot a sharp report" right after "shot bolt upright." With shooting like that, you might want to keep real guns out of my hands!

But, I'm not going to fret. I resisted the temptation to go back and tweak it. That may lead to wholesale editing, and that would be disastrous. Besides, that's what NaNoEdMo is for!


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